Sunday, September 30, 2012

More Spiders....sigh...

This orb weaver is hanging out at the old water trough I use for planting flowers in.  My son is enjoying the presence of it, and loves feeding it bugs.  You have to admit, the coloring is pretty neat.  However, I won't be touching this one. 

This orb weaver spider finally came back out for it's photo shoot. However, you can see that it is hanging upside down under the wrapped grass hopper.  I was not about to get any closer to try and photograph the other side.  Eww!  This spider was the one that almost ended up in my hair while I was picking tomatoes.


  1. You know she will have babies. I know we need spiders, but I don,t like them at all.

  2. You know she will have babies. I know we need spiders, but I don,t like them at all.

  3. I told my son I would sure hate to name all those babies she'll have. Ugh. He's out there right now feeding it and showing it off to my 10 year-old.

  4. Yuck, yuck, yuck!! I'm just NOT a fan of spiders!! You did a good job getting close enough to photograph them!


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