Monday, August 20, 2012


Hubby and I finally took off to go camping.  It was a very much needed break from "life."

While camping the first night, my youngest daughter cut this comic from the paper we were reading.

We all got a good chuckle out of it....."sounds just like you Mom," the kids said.

 Day 1 of teaching the younger two to fish.  This wasn't the best location either.

We had not camped all year, and my 10 year-old could not resist to build and eat a triple-decker s'more.

Every meal was cooked over the campfire, and we loved it.

The girls enjoyed their marshmallow madness, hot chocolate both mornings.  We had very nice cool sleeping weather.

 This was our Sunday morning breakfast - cinnamon bread dipped in egg for a delicious french toast, sausage patties and hash browns that were browned with our garden onion and green pepper.  Yum!

This was one of our dinners - organic chicken breasts, and garden potatoes with onion and butter.

I spent one evening, by the campfire, knitting blocks for that blanket that has yet to be finished.

One morning this cardinal stopped by to sing to us.  He was up on a very tall tree, but in between me and the campfire smoke.  I was disappointed in the clarity of my photos, but was happy to see it, and so was my 10 year-old.

Second day of teaching the girls to fish.  We located a better spot to fish.

Our 13 year-old daughter holding her first fish caught by herself.

Our 10 year-old daughter holding a stick that she hooked.  We tried to stay longer so she could catch her first fish, but we were really getting hungry.  We'll have to take her fishing again.

We also hiked and put new wild flowers in our wild flower press.  This one was a new one.  According to the book we took along, is Jerusalem Artichoke.  There is a story behind this one, but I'll share that another day.  It's very tall too.  Some were over 6 feet tall.

We read books and magazines, and played games by the campfire.

I snapped this photo, and later realized it looks like an animal trying to get out of the water.  

We packed up, only to head home and wash all the laundry. We came home with some very funny stories to remember.  I still cannot tell people the story about the camper, without cracking up laughing.  I'll share that in tomorrow's post.  I think I made this one way too long for readers.



  1. I love the valance on the camper! :)
    I like the second shot of the cardinal, it almost looks like it was taken during the winter or that you edited for the softer look!

  2. :) reminds me of us! we went to Walmart on Saturday and bought 2 coleman cots, set them up on our screened in deck and "camped out" there for an early evening nap! even tho we have a motor home, i guess this year, the cots on the deck is going to be our vacation!

  3. Sounds like you had a great time. We love to go camping. We go every chance we get.

  4. What a fun time! I love to camp and we have not been in soooo long. All your food looks delish. Hope you can go again real soon. Blessings

  5. That looked like fun, after all that canning you've been doing i'm sure you enjoyed the rest.
    My kids love fishing too.


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