Thursday, August 16, 2012

Canning Season Still Chugging Along ~ Oatmeal Wedges

I got 3 1/2 quarts of Seasoned Tomato Sauce canned.

Dug up the last of the carrots and froze two bags of them.  It's not much, but more than I froze last year.  I'll need to plant more next year.  

Canned 7 more pints of beets and 5 half pints of Pear Jam.

I dug up another row of potatoes, but will deal with those another day.  

I blanched and froze another bag of broccoli.

This Oatmeal Wedge recipe came from that wonderful book I received.  These are a bit chewy, but easy and delicious.  I haven't baked anything with molasses lately, and the recipe caught my eye.

Oatmeal Wedges
Serves 8

4 Tbsp. butter
1 1/2 Tbsp. molasses
1/3 cup dark brown sugar
1 1/4 cups rolled oats
pinch of salt

Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Line an 8 inch shallow cake tin with waxed paper and grease the paper (I used parchment paper and it worked great).

Place the butter, molasses, and brown sugar in a saucepan over low heat.  Stir and cook until melted and combined.

Remove from the heat and add the oats.  Stir to blend.

Spoon into the prepared can tin and smooth the surface.  Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.  Leave in the tin until cool enough to handle, then unmold and cut into 8 equal wedges while still hot. 

We are trying another natural remedy to ward off fleas.  This is a recipe we found on-line, and simply takes lemons and fresh rosemary sprigs.  You can spray it on carpet and furniture as well.  It smells great too.

I am pooped.  I need to go take the laundry down and re-make my bed, vacuum my room and pamper myself with cold, lavender filled eye pack. 

I did not get any writing in today.  Phooey.


  1. That is a pretty simple, straightforward recipe. I like molasses and oats so I'm going to have to give it a try.
    Jeez, looking at all you do I just can't imagine why you are pooped!! ;-)

  2. Boy you worked up a ton today! Hope you get a good nights rest because I'm sure you will be back at it again tomorrow. The recipe looks delish but I'm trying to lose weight do I'm going to steer clear this time. Blessings

  3. I know how you feel. We have a schedule on what gets canned on what day. Tomorrow is carrots. Today was corn. In a couple of days we will have more beans to can. I love having fresh veggie thru the winter. But,I am so glad when everything is finally canned.

  4. Are the wedges like a molasses cookie flavor? Looks great, and I love oats and molasses! Maybe throw in some chocolate chips...

  5. The oatmeal wedges have a wonderful flavor.

  6. I am impressed with all that you know how to do! Oh how I would love a canning day with you! Thanks for the recipe too! xox


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