Friday, August 10, 2012

Honey - Cider Slaw ~ Surprise Mail

This recipe was very good.  I like the fact it did not contain mayonnaise in it.  I also read that the combination of the organic cider and raw honey work together to benefit one's health.

I first located a recipe on-line for Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Cole Slaw.  However, it stated that the salad must be eaten immediately and would get soggy if left in the fridge.  I was looking for a recipe that would stay longer in the fridge.

Then I ordered more books from the library.  I love older cookbooks.  I found this recipe, but added garden carrots, used Bragg's Apple Cider and raw honey.  I followed the remaining ingredients, but found the cider to be a bit over powering.  I will make this again, using more honey, less sugar and less cider and see what happens.  

Honey-Cider Slaw 
(adapted from Honey Feast, A Sampler of Honey Recipes, by Gene Opton and Nancie Hughes © 1975)

1 large head of cabbage
2 medium yellow onions
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey
2 tsp. brown sugar
1 Tbsp. salt (I used a bit less)
1 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 cup olive oil*
1/3 to 2/3 cup organic apple cider vinegar**
1 tsp. celery seed

Quarter, core and shred the cabbage.  Place in a large bowl.  Peel the onions very thin and place on top of cabbage (do not stir).  Sprinkle the sugar on top and drizzle the honey.  

In a sauce pan combine the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil.  Pour over the cabbage and onions.  Stir and let stand for 4 hours.  Cabbage should shrink as it marinates.  Transfer to a glass bowl and store for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

*original recipe uses 2/3 cup oil
**original recipe uses 1 cup of apple cider vinegar 

Surprise Mail

I opened the mail to find a surprise package from my sister. I love surprise mail (and giving it too). 

She sent us Indian bracelets that are typically only available once a year.  The celebration is called Raksha Bandhan, which is a brother-sister holiday.

Our strawberries, that we planted in the raised beds, are doing better than the ones in the garden.  We will definitely be putting in more next spring. 

I am getting dutch oven spaghetti sauce ready to simmer.  We'll have braised cucumbers for a side.  I'm also making some iced tea with fresh sage and lemon balm, and sweetening it with raw honey.  Ahhhh.....the life of self-sufficiency.  Total bliss.


  1. Good recipe to try! I've never been a big mayo fan myself. I just planted lemon balm last month and will trey that too. I'm planning on drying some for teas this winter before the hard freeze...

  2. I love the sound of honey cider slaw. We have been having ours with mayo but i think my kids might prefer it with honey - my three year old would eat raw spinach drizzled with honey for every meal if I would let him.
    Due to a planting mix up we have cucumbers in our garden for the first time ever, so I can also try your braised cucumbers.
    We are a long long way from being self-sufficient (don't have enough land) but I love the fact that during summer at least I don't have to buy veg.
    We have been very unsuccessful with our strawberries the past few years, maybe we should try raised beds!
    love the bracelets.

  3. Those bracelets are beautiful!
    I like the sound of the slaw recipe too, nice change from the mayo based ones. Thanks! :)


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