Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wild Rose Petal Jelly ~ Wild Red/White Clover Jelly

I discovered wild rose bushes around the property last year, and have wanted to make a batch of rose jelly.

I located one recipe for rose petal jelly:

Instead I used another jelly recipe and substituted the rose petals. 

Wild Rose Petal Jelly (5 - 8 oz. jars)
(adapted from Marcia Adam's Heirloom Recipes, Queen Anne's Lace Jelly)

4 cups water
1-2 cups wild rose petals (unsprayed)
1/4 cup organic lemon juice
1 box powdered pectin
3 1/2 cups plus 2 Tbsp. sugar

Pick wild rose petals and rinse off any debris.

Heat the water to a boil.  Add rose petals, and remove from heat to steep the "tea."

Note:  I left mine sit longer, but every recipe is different too.

Strain your "tea" using a few layers of cheesecloth. Discard the petals.  

Place 3 cups of the tea into a 4-6 qt. cooking pot.  Add pectin and lemon juice.

Bring to a boil, then add sugar (stir constantly).

Bring to a rolling boil and boil one minute (stirring constantly).  Remove from heat and fill sterilized jars.  Process in jars for 5 minutes.

Wild Red Clover Jelly: Use the same recipe, but for the "tea" use 4 cups of freshly (unsprayed) picked red clover heads.  I've also picked these and kept them in the freezer until I am ready to make the jelly.  

Wild White Clover Jelly:  Use 4 cups of freshly (unsprayed) picked white clover heads.  Use the same directions also.

Bring the water to a boil, add the clover heads, remove from heat and cover.  Let steep overnight.  Then follow the recipe the next day (straining out the clovers with cheesecloth first).


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