Thursday, May 17, 2012

Typical Farm Day

Yesterday was a typical "homesteading" day.

Woke up and got kiddos off to school.  Laundry is usually out before kids are off to school, but rain was predicted (and we only ended up with a drizzle).

My son and I cleaned up the dishes, did house chores, and I checked the gardens.  Breakfast was farm fresh eggs scrambled in green peppers (grown here and frozen), onions and spinach. 

I picked some fresh spearmint and made our daily gallon jug of organic green iced tea with spearmint - yum!

I mixed up some buttermilk homemade English muffins.  

All in all a pretty good day.  I had to do a quick check on ingredients, as my 10 year-old informed me that she needs to bring in a "peach" dish to school on Monday.  I'm considering peach salsa (I may be cheating with some from the store), and baking a peach pound cake. 

I was also informed (always at the last minute) that the school's Spring Art Festival is this Sunday.   One daughter sings, and one for sure, has about 6 art projects in the festival this year.


  1. I love to hear about your days because they are what mine are like in a scaled down version. It may sound boring to some and I'm always delightfully surprised when someone comments on my blog. I love it though! Just the simple daily pleasures and for me, being retired, I have no commitments whatsoever so I can take my time. I guess that's as it should be as I don't have the energy I used to have either. But I plug along and try not to feel overwhelmed at times and just enjoy each moment of it. I truly enjoy your blog...we should be neighbors! Well, I guess we sort of neighbors!
    I want to try that tea. I always made sun tea but now I am drinking green also and that would be perfect. I have regular mint but not spearmint. I have lemon balm that I usually use and I like that too. Have a great day!

  2. Sounds like a fun and productive day! I have made two batches of the English muffins now, they are soooo yummy!! Thanks for the link to the recipe! I did need to increase the amount of flour called for to get it to work for me.

  3. All of those last minute activities are filling your week! It all sounds fun though :)

  4. Hey Kris,
    never say never...after all.. you can always "Glamp" in your back yard!


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