Friday, May 18, 2012

Library Trip ~ Learning from Books~ Flowers on both Porches

I had to look over my stash of current library books, and write down the titles to re-order them again.

I love getting a bunch of different types of books and seeing what I would like to read.

I'm reading "Sarah Ann" and love it so far.  I've learned that when she was a child she mixed with items to dye with - used rusty nails, vinegar and alum to create a purple.  

I learn a lot from books.  

I've learned that the pioneer women hand sewed buckshot into their skirt hems to help hold them down in the wind. I always wondered how they kept them down.

I don't have as much time to read anymore and wish I did.  I just watched a 1 hour webinar on stress management (required by our health insurance or we pay higher prices).  It mentioned putting a time slot for just me, but I have no idea how.  I'd have to let cleaning go, at least until school is out.  However, until then, I have been adding flowers to the front and back porch.

One of two that I received on Mother's Day.  I love them!

I can never have enough hanging planters around the porch.

Two planters of petunias are at each corner of the front flower bed.  I bought the petunias yesterday, while grocery shopping.  I knew hubby would be upset I spent the money, but they were $6.99 each.  I can't find those prices anywhere else.  Around here they range from $10.00 and up.  He ended up not being made, and loved them too.

My mailbox is surrounded with bright pink knock-out roses, and later in the summer will have even more color from flowers that are not in bloom yet.

And the back porch was in need of some flower "bling" too. I get shade in the morning here, and sun in the afternoon and evenings.

For my stress management class (webinar) I have to print out a work sheet.  I didn't do it thinking "they will never know if I do it or not" but I should.  I'm learning a bit more about stress, but having a large family it, especially blended, is not easy.  With so many coming and going, and two teens with their own jobs, it's difficult to keep a chore chart in place.  

On thing is for sure.  I will cut out a time slot for my "porch and tea time" no matter what.  The last two days I have found myself so busy with making items for the Farmer's Market that I even forgot to make dinner (seriously).  Sigh...

Yesterday I was busy embroidering these fun drink/dish covers out of hankies and recycled beads (some are for sale on my store blog).  Time has a way of getting away from me when I'm working away I guess.  

Will I get dinner made tonight?  Will I put a 2 hour slot aside for just me?  I know one this is for sure.  I'm heading out for a bike ride before I do anything else (of course after the last kiddo is on her school bus).  Until then I'll get laundry on the line, and dishes started.

As for getting a "support" team to back me up?  Not sure the kids will be too excited about that.  One last thing...the program suggested to set a time slot for worry time.  Seriously.  I laughed out loud.  "Okay, kids I'm going to worry at 5pm every day and only at 5pm!" I said laughing. 


  1. Hopefully if you can only worry at 5 pm all your worries will work them selves out before you get there. Wouldn't that be nice. Lots of flowers and music are great stress relievers. I think I would pick a different time of day though than 5 pm because Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson say it's 5 o'clock somewhere, and they were not referring to worry time. LOL

  2. Stress management webinar?!? That stuff MUST be thought up by "city" people because us "real" people just don't have time for such nonesense!! LOL!!

  3. Stree is really tough on your health. Less stress= less disease (like flu, cancer, etc.). My hubby and I have a rule- no more then 10 minutes to gripe about work at dinner, or "your 10 minutes is up". We remind each other. We do that too when we stress about our adult kids too much... it works!

  4. It's not nonsense and I'm here to prove it! I had a career, on call 24/7, a family of 6 and I got rheumatoid arthritis and Graves disease and almost went if you don't listen to your body it WILL make you pay attention. Stress has nothing to do with hard work that you has everything to do with putting everyone else before yourself and/or forfeiting your dreams for others.


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