Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jiffy Corn Bread Mix from Scratch and Canning Stats

I am sharing a link for a homemade recipe that is a great substitute for the boxed Jiffy Corn Bread Mix.  

Recipe:  Jiffy Corn Bread Mix Clone Recipe

We are working on eliminating boxed mixes that contain ingredients that are not healthy for our bodies.  This recipe can be used in any recipe that requires the box mix.  I made our corn pudding recipe using this, not using the egg and milk, and it turned out tasting even better.

I know these boxes sell for $.50 or less, but is it worth it to consume ingredients you can't even pronounce?  I'm putting this recipe in my recipe box today.

I thought it would be fun to keep track of my canning stats this season.  I'm keeping track of it on the left side of my blog.

Keep in mind, that I have a large family, and that some of the jelly is being made to re-stock our shelves.   I have a tendency to give some away too. 

Thanks for visiting today!



  1. clever! I should keep a running list of our harvest and canned/frozen veggies...

    I'm going to check out the cornbread mix. I've made baking mix before and we like it and it's very versatile.


  2. I'm new to corn bread and recently an american friend gave me a box of 'jiffy'. We all loved the corn muffins but I was a bit disappointed on reading all the 'ingredients' on the packet!! Thank you for posting this alternative recipe! only problem now for me is getting corn meal; we have polenta here in france but I'm told it's not the same thing? but I'm sure it will work all the same.

  3. Yep, some of the ingredients in the prepackaged and boxed foods is downright scary! When all of my kids were still at home, I had actually turned my cornbread recipe into a mix. I had forgotten about that until recently and have been thinking of doing it once again. Even though the house is no longer bursting full of people, I still stay really busy around here and it would be very convenient.

  4. Good idea to use your blog to keep track of your canning stats! :)

  5. I LOVE both corn muffins and corn pudding, and don't mind a bit about making my OWN instead of buying the mix! Can't wait to try out this recipe. Thank you for sharing it! ~tina

  6. Thank you so much for that muffin mix recipe! Plus, The canning stats are a great idea and it's inspiring to see yours!


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