Wednesday, April 25, 2012

High Winds Rip Barn Roofing Off

The opposite side of this barn (same end) has roofing missing from the tornado winds that came through about 2 years ago.  

We have plans to have this barn torn down, but first we have to buy 300 ft of goat fencing, poles and supplies for stalls.  Oh...and we need a bit more new roofing for the barn the goats will be moved to.

This is happening sooner that we expected.  The wind was coming out of the north and was peeling the roofing right off.


We've got some work cut out for us.  Not to mention finding work so we can finance this project.

Today's Bible verse:  
1) 12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12 (ESV)

A Year of Quotes:
(I totally forgot to keep sharing quotes...tsk tsk)

Here's one for today:

"To create one's own world takes courage."  ~Georgia O'Keefe 


  1. I will say a prayer that your needs be provided for. Is it possible to recycle any of the lumber needed from this barn or perhaps some of the tin?

  2. Nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award - stop by my blog for details!
    Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker

  3. Nasty roof!

    looks like a giant can opener was used on it.

    hope you're able to get the goat barn financed. It will come, you're an industrious lot!


  4. What a mess, hope it doesn't get worse with the next storm!

  5. Sorry about your barn roof. There are people who pay good money for old barn wood. You might be able sell the metal for money too. Looks like a gold mine to me! I'd take your time and dismantle it and sell everything separately and I bet you could make a good amount or reuse the wood for the next barn. You'd be surprised what people pay for old barn salvage.


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