Monday, March 5, 2012

The Case of Missing Spoons

It's Monday cleaning day, and although I typically don't get it all done, I get a good majority of it done.  I look forward to sitting, crocheting and sipping hot tea later.  

It looks like I'll be needing boots to put my bedding out on the clothesline today.

Made another batch of homemade taco seasoning mix, and plan to make taco salads tonight.

Taco Seasoning Mix
1/4 cup dried onion flakes
4 tsp. cornstarch
2 Tbsp. salt
3 tsp. cumin
4 Tbsp. chili powder
1 1/2 tsp. oregano
3 tsp. dried minced garlic
3 tsp. crushed hot red pepper flakes
2 tsp. beef bouillon

Mix ingredients and store in airtight container.  
2 Tbsp. = 1 package

I do use whatever dried herbs I have from the herb gardens I grow, such as oregano.  Last year I attempted to grow cumin, but the heavy rains killed off my plants.  I will attempt it again this year.  Now that I have my dehydrator, I can dry my home grown onions and garlic too.

My bread crumbs are stored nicely in a canning jar.  I hope to dehydrate more today.

If no one in the house can find a spoon to eat breakfast this morning, it's because my 10 year-old put them under everyone's pillows last night.  Her school principal once told them that if they put ice cubes in the toilet and put a spoon under their pillow, that school would cancel.  It did cancel today.   


  1. Your crochet is so beautiful. I've never tried thread...yet. I'm still trying to teach myself the knitting and it's coming along pretty good now. You are a busy lady! I remember when I had my little farm...the gravel deliveries especially in the Springtime! i also write 10 things I'm grateful for each day in my journal. It's a great way to start the day. You always inspire me to get going! Have a great day!

  2. "Her school principal once told them that if they put ice cubes in the toilet and put a spoon under their pillow, that school would cancel. It did cancel today."
    Hey, whatever works! LOL!!

  3. "Her school principal once told them that if they put ice cubes in the toilet and put a spoon under their pillow, that school would cancel. It did cancel today."

    Hehe! That's a new one! I like the fact that I can make the taco seasoning low sodium too! great!

  4. PS--I love your ruby glass cup and saucer! Beautiful!


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