Sunday, March 4, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from the Homesteading Journal . . .

  Made another batch of homemade dishwasher detergent, our chicken coop project is delayed due to rain, read a bunch of information on what to expect when Peanut is ready to kid (I sure hope it's when my daughter is home).

 Had a load of stone brought in, and filled the holes the buses are making in the driveway.

 Dehydrated a bunch of soft pretzel sticks that my Mom gave us.  I made them into bread crumbs.

from the Crafting Journal . . .

Weekends are more work than play this winter, but I still try to squeeze in time to get projects finished...

Finished the last coat of decoupage on the clipboard

 (Found at: Rainy Day Projects.... )

Started making items from old records...

Ironed on the first embroidery pattern to start another daughter's towels.

I continue to braid rag balls for my braided rag rug.  My strips are not 2 to 2 1/2 inches wide, so they are not folded to have a flat look, and strays of fabric are sticking out, but I don't care.  I have about 16 feet braided now.

from the Family Journal . . .

   A stone was placed on Joey's grave, and a handful of fresh flowers, stones are around it for now, but we are talking about fencing it in with small fencing.

  Last Sunday the kids got bored, which sparked a creative and funny episode - three of the girls created a rock band and dressed up in items I have in our costume boxes.  Hilarious!

I spent a day sitting on a chair in the 60°F weather, reading a good book.  All of our summer lawn furniture is still stored away, so I used a chair from the house. 

The elementary school canceled their "family movie night" and we had one at home instead.  My 10 year-old was so upset about not having it (we had plans to attend in our pajamas), so we rented a DVD and had fun snacks, including cotton candy at home.  They girls loved it. 

from the Gratitude Journal . . .

Today I am thankful for:
~my dehydrator
~the extra food Mom brought us
~our DVD player
~God's Mercy
~friends, for lending an ear to listen
~family, for bringing in our load of stone
~my kids
~pretty vintage tablecloths - they bring cheer to the kitchen
~our cordless are so essential here


  1. Sparta is very handsome! We're having unusually warm weather here too for the next day or two, then colder and rain/snow. Pick a season already!

  2. Cordless drill for sure! I LOVE mine!

    Sounds like a good week. Cotton candy and DVD's--it's all good! :)

  3. Hi KRIS,
    Well I must say you do keep busy.
    That is one big load of stone you had put down, bet it looks real nice now.
    Saw your thrift finds. Love those old kitchen towels don't you? I pick them up when I see ones that are in good condition. I embroidered several a few years a go, but then I wouldn't use them, didn't want to get my embroidery dirty.They look real pretty folded up in my kitchen dresser.
    Still sorry about the kitty.
    Nancy Jo

  4. The old record made into a candy dish is pretty cool! :)


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