Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tired and Wired

The kids came home wired up and tired.  Is that combination even normal? Ha ha ha!  The first day back to school was good for all of them.

Today....this post is short.  I MUST attack my filing cabinet and clean it out for a new year.  This year, there is much less paper to file. Thank goodness.

I'll be back when I dig myself out of the mess that piled up when I got sick.  Thankfully, many items in the "pile" belong to other people in the house.  So....they will be treated with a "pile" of their own to sort out.  Phew!  I can't wait to have it all organized again.  I have so many other projects that need finished.


  1. ah! the dreaded filing cabinet...

    I don't EVEN feel inspired to look in there!

    Good luck, best wishes all that jazz...see you on the otherside of that mountain!


  2. Sorting through piles just never seems to end! LOL!!

  3. I love going through the cabinet and burning old papers, never to have to see them again. Bills of the past!

  4. I hear you sister! January is my declutter the office month! Not to mention taxes! Oops! Sorry for using a bad word! LOL


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