Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snow ~ Project Runway ~ Back to School

We finally got snow.  The younger two girls have been playing in it, getting pulled around in sleds, with chasing dogs behind them.

Today the sun is trying to peak out, but the wind is swift enough to dry my larger items outside on the line.  The rest are on drying racks in front of the wood stove.

And if you are wondering if our family motto is really true or not ("Eat it up, Wear it out, Make it do, Or go without.") check out those pink flannel sheets on the line.  Those used to be mine as a kid.  Mom gave them to me several years ago, and now my own kids are using them.  The elastic is giving out on the bottom sheet, but they sure come in handy in this old farm house.

As for the "Project Runway" part of the post, think "projects."

I have a list of more crafting projects that need finished or completed, and I'll post them as I complete them.

Over the school winter break, I finished a set of cup coasters, a few ornaments and dishcloths.  I also crocheted one of the girls a hat.

and a pair of slippers. . .

I didn't really have a pattern for these.  I just kind of "winged" it.  Either way, I managed to finish them and use leftover yarn in my "stash."

I also ironed transfers onto 5 shirts, 2 lunch bags, one bible/book cover, on tote bag (actually two, but will add that in a minute), and one bandanna.

I guess I deleted the photo already, but my advice is to never play a guessing game with five kids while ironing on transfers.  One transfer was ironed on upside down. Ha ha ha ha!

Today, the kids are back in school.  I overheard them this morning, while waiting for the school bus.

".....I know....they'll ask what are your resolutions..."

"....and what did you do over break..."

"...I know....and they go one at a time.....what did you get for Christmas...."

This was all said in high pitched sarcastic mimicking voices.  What used to be fun to share in elementary, is not so fun for middle and high school anymore.  I got a chuckle listening to them imitate teachers.  After they left, I had one more to put on a school bus.  Only her conversation was:

"....I know Tig.....I don't want to go either...."

She was talking to her cat, giving him lots of love, and dreading the return of school.


  1. I love our flannel sheets!!
    The hat and slippers are very cute, I can't believe you were able to make them without a pattern! You go girl!

  2. Candy, I did make slippers with a pattern before, but this time just winged it. I have a pair from my grandmother and I hope that I can copy what she did and make more pairs from hers.

  3. Just "winging" it for anything for me would be like a miracle. I'm still working on "flat, square or rectangle" works of crochet. They look beautiful (not my stuff, yours!).

  4. Flannel sheets are just the BEST! So soft and warm...who would ever get rid of them????

  5. I showed your site to a friend of mine. She loved your family motto. She posted it on her frig.

  6. OH, I love flannel sheets, too :) ): They're so warm and comfy!!! Wow, you've had yours for a long time. Will you try and put new elastic on the fitted sheets or turn it into something else when the elastic gives out?

    That crocheted hat looks really cute. I'll have to make some up :) :)

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  7. What a sweet thing, sharing your fannel sheets with your children...and when they are outgrown,,, maybe a crochet rag rug might be in your future! lol!

  8. Heather, I'll probably sew new elastic on. The sheets are in pretty good condition.

  9. Thanks Michelle, that's so sweet. I love the motto.


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