Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! It's 2012!

The new year aftermath - indoors. Ha ha ha ha ha!

The new year aftermath - outdoors......I'm sure the barn cats are trying to figure out what that funny string stuff is. Ha ha ha!

Despite one daughter having to work at 4am the morning of New Year's Eve, and my son working New Year's Eve and this morning, I think they all had a good time last night.

We added more healthier foods to our festive night this year - a fruit tray.  

Growing up, Mom always had tables full of snacks she baked for Christmas, Chex mix was a must, and punch in the punch bowl.  As a tradition, we would all sleep underneath and around the Christmas tree.  In the morning it would come down.  It was a real tree every year.  I look forward to putting up a real tree here (once the cats learn not to climb it).

When we took down the tree, and after the ornaments came off and were put away, we would take down (what we called) the tinsel.  You know, those tiny slivers of silver that you can decorate your tree with?

We used something very similar, if not the same brand, as the one above - Icicles.

Not only would we put these on one at a time, but we'd take them off one at a time, and put them back in the box for the next Christmas.  We still laugh about that.

We didn't keep that tradition in my home today, but we do take our tree down January 1st.  It's a struggle to get it all back in the boxes they came out of, but we some how get it all put away.

It's a happy-sad day - January 1st.  It's the start of a new year, the start to start over, and the end of the holidays.  

Here's to a great start with the new year!


  1. We did the tinsel one at a time too growing up. Us kids would get tired and try and sneak a clump in but mom would always catch us. We didn't save it! Happy New Year to you. Patty

  2. We used tinsel when I was a kid. I miss it. My cats like to eat it. So we can't use it any longer.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  3. I just finished packing up the decorations myself. Couldn't get it all to fit in the same boxes though, had to get a new one! LOL!!

  4. Haha! My husband is a "1 icicle @ a time' kinda guy!
    Me, not so much,,, I am to hyper to patiently sting them 1 at a time! lolo!
    Happy New Year....


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