Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bringing in the New Year ~ Out with the Old

As I sit here and reflect on this year, I think about all the experiences I had, as well as my family.

 I fed my family weeds. 

 I learned to stock up more of my garden and invested in a dehydrator. 
Took one weekend getaway with hubby and no kids.

 Took some kids camping. 

Glamped the camper for the first time.
Completed many craft/handiwork projects. 

 Built things with the family.  

 Took a Hearthside cooking class with my oldest daughter. 

 Learn to shoot a gun.

 Bought dairy goats.

Bought more goats.

Watched my daughter buy her horse.

Added more layers to our chicken coop.

Raised our own meat chickens.

Got snowed in and had fun in the snow.

Sent one daughter to see Washington, D.C. for the her first time.

Added new flowers to my flower beds.

Built my first scarecrow.

Baked homemade bread.

Watched many sunrises.

Watched many sunsets.

Watched the moon.

Made the garden larger this year.

Taught myself how to knit.

Taught myself how to do needle tatting.

Participated in National Novel Writing Month for the second year.

Planted redbud trees from a seed.

Thanks for reading this long blog post of reflections.  There was a lot more too!  Happy New Year!


  1. Such lovely projects! Happy New Year!

  2. What a fun way to look back at the year!! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  3. My goodness...
    some of those posts... I didn't even read about!

    I must go read the archives; it all sounds so interesting!

    Can't wait to read everything you do in the new year!


  4. Thanks for sharing Kristi!
    Reflections are always good things to remind us of God's grace, strength, mercy, love and provision!

  5. Happy New Year! I really enjoy reading your blog. Your taking delight in the simple things of life and the lost art of keeping home and hearth are refreshing to read and a boon to my own spirit! Thank you! God bless you and your family!

    "A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman....She is far more precious than jewels...She looks well to how things go in her household...Her children rise up and call her blessed...and her husband boasts and praises her..." Proverbs 31:10,27,28

  6. Great blog post! Good for you doing new things and being more self-sufficient... you inspire me :)

  7. Wow! A busy and fruitful year!

    You actually raised redbuds from seeds????


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