Friday, November 4, 2011


Although wood splitting took a halt, until we repair the chainsaw blade, I have been busy preparing crafts for winter projects.

 I have started cutting circles from leftover scrap material.  These are mostly from old sheets and pillow cases.  These will be later sewn into yo-yo's for other gifts or for my home.

I also volunteered to help crochet and knit scarves for this winter's homeless.  I am getting a box ready, but need to fill it with a few more.  I may need help from the girls to fill the box.

Our garden is finished.  The Swiss chard is being consumed by something.  I have no idea, but whatever it is, it sure likes my Swiss chard.  I have failed to bring in my rosemary.  I may try to even though we've had a few frosts here already.

The wood burning stove has been cleaned and we have brought wood in.  Today is a good day to start it up, as the temperature in my house is very cold.

I haven't felt like doing much baking lately.  I've been sick for over 3 weeks now.  I finally booked myself a dreaded doctor appointment today.  I sure hope it's worth the time and money spent.  I'm just tired of not getting better.  Last night my ear hurt.  I haven't had an ear infection in years,  and it sure felt like it.  


  1. So sorry you're still not feeling better.
    Our house gets chilly too-- we've had over night low's in the 30's a couple of times and have already burned our stove. Actually have a small fire burning keep the chill off. Great thing to knit scarves for the homeless. What a blessing.

    we are still gardening (our Fall is so short here) but I've got the plants I hope they will continue to thrive.

    take care and get well!


  2. I sure hope you get to feeling better and that the doctor visit helps some.
    It's probably not too late to bring in your rosemary, at least it's worth a try! :)

  3. I've been feeling the change in the weather myself lately. Although I love autumn with the beautiful leaves falling off the trees and colder weather, my sinuses don't! Hope you feel a lot better soon!

  4. I hope you feel better! And try some vit. d, helps the immune system....

  5. And try getting some extra rest, hard to do, but probably what you need~~~

  6. Hello,
    I realize this is an old post, but I have a question about these suffolk puffs. My daughter has been asked to do a craft for pioneer days at the public library, and she loves making these. Would you know if this would have been done in pioneer times? Sorry to ask such a dumb quesition, but they insist on it being a pioneer craft. Thanks for any help you might be able to give. Blessings to you.


  7. The yo yo quilts were more popular in the early 1900's . Pioneer time period was more early 1800's. Handiwork during that time period could have been corn husk dolls, corncob doll, button strings, braided rugs (which I have one on my blog somewhere), clothespin dolls, and more. I suggest google a search for pioneer timelines. Some timelines go up to 1905. I may be incorrect, but I believe that yo yo making was more in the 1920's.


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