Monday, November 7, 2011

Doctor updates

I have bronchitis and a sinus infection.  Despite medications since Friday night, I am not up to posting anything exciting.  I can't remember the last time I stayed in bed so long, other than giving birth to my kids. 

I will post in a few days, when I hope to be feeling better.  I can't breath too well, and despite cough syrup from the pharmacy, I am still coughing. 

Also, I don't do well with drugs.  They make me sick.  So....on top of being sick, the drugs make me sick.  In this case, I didn't have a choice.  I got to the doctor before pneumonia set in.  I keep taking my temperature also.  It's been about 98.8.  I can't remember a day when I did have fever.  I've never been this sick.

Take care.


  1. Viruses and infections are worst now because one mimics the other and doctors cannot always tell what they are dealing with. Like you so many I know have been sick with chest infections this year. Think maybe the wet summer and elongated fall have something to do with it??? I hope you are feeling better soon. Four days of antibiotics usually before you feel somewhat better. So hang in there.

  2. Oh wow! I hate that for you.

    Glad you got to the doctor before the pneumonia for sure. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    take care and get some rest, we'll for sure be here when you get back!

  3. Oh I hope you get better soon. You might want to try this: Take a couple cloves of garlic let sit in some oil for an hour and then apply to the bottom of your feet right before you go to bed and put some socks on. This really does quiet coughs and with bronchitis anything that might help quiet that cough is worth a try...

  4. I hope that you start feeling better. I had something like this last winter, and I understand how you are really sick. Take care of yourself!

  5. Hope you feel better soon Kristina! By the way, I know of a pioneer recipe for severe cold and cough that you might want to try because it is completely natural and I have tried it myself and know it works!
    Here is the recipe:

    2 T. blackstrap molasses
    2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
    2 tsp. honey
    2 tsp. cinnamon
    2. tsp. ginger

    In the bottom of a large ( 10-12 ounce ) coffee mug, stir molasses, vinegar, honey, and spices together. Pour in boiling water to fill the cup and stir ingredients together again. Sip this brew slowly. It taste like liquid gingerbread but it will soothe a sore throat and help break up chest congestion. Don't be surprised if you break out in a sweat too!

  6. Oh Kristina, I hope you get to feeling better soon! {{HUGS}}
    Have you ever tried a neti pot for your sinuses? It's kind of gross (to me anyway) but it sure does work to clear you out!

  7. Thank you for all your kind words and advice.

  8. Hope you feel better. I recently started on "cold calm", a homepathic remedy at the drug store. Knocked the cold symptoms way down in 4 hours. Get some rest!

  9. Thanks Nancy. I was reading a book on homepathic remedies yesterday. Thanks for the tip on the "cold calm."


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