Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rag Rug ~ Preserving Memories

I finally finished it.  Phew!  I crocheted a rag rug with sheets, pillow cases, and other rag-worthy fabric.  I've been saving fabric for approximately a year now. 

It measures about 5 1/2 feet long by about 22 inches wide.  I even cut up an old apron my kids used for playing house when they were very young.  I also cut up an old baby crib sheet that I probably used for all the kids.  

My Uncle gave us a new set of sheets and pillow cases, and we greatly appreciated them.  It gave me the opportunity to cut my old pillow cases and sheets, and make this very useful rug.  Some of my pillow cases were over 20 years old and worn very thin.  I honestly thought they would rip when I crocheted them, but they held tight.  

My 9 year-old was watching me sew the strips together the other day.  She now wants, not one, but two rag rugs for her hope chest.  

Now......I better get back to cleaning.  I just hope I don't come across another unfinished project, or I may have to stop cleaning to finish it too.


  1. You just reminded me that I have one of these to finish as well! Yours is lovely.

  2. Looks great!
    and you did a nice job squaring up the corners too!

    I recently bought some sheets very cheaply...for this same thing.

    Love the variation in color. Maybe the daughter will crochet along side the Momma?


  3. I think that the 9 year old needs to learn how to make her own rag rugs. It's not that difficult and can be very scientific figuring out how big you want it and the shape. She could even cut up old T-shirts for one. Gotta love a good rag rug!

  4. Your rug is just beautiful! I like that it is square instead of oval! :)

  5. I talked to my 9 year-old last night. I think we came up with a solution for her. She loves to hand sew, so we may start teaching her how to make a braided rug, and sew it together.

  6. Wow! That's really great, making a "Memory Rug"! You have just inspired me to make my own!


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