Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Deep Cleaning and Garden Clearing

My clotheslines were working over time yesterday.  As I cleaned out a cupboard in my utility room, and removed mildew, I discovered blankets had been taken out of their plastic bags.

Not only, did the kids just toss the blankets in the cupboard, but put sheets, pillow cases and tablecloths.  Now, I am washing them all and putting them back in their proper homes, and with a clean cupboard.

Unfortunately, this year has been a moist, then dry, and moist summer.  I've taken 35 pints of water from one room already, using my dehumidifier.  I'll be rotating it to another room today.
In the process of deep cleaning around my bedroom, and wiping mildew from the floor trim, I discovered yet another unfinished project that.  I have been working on it for over a year, and decided it's time to finish it.  I'll post photos when it is finished.  This however, puts me a behind in cleaning.  

Either way, I will get both done.
I am sharing my latest thrift store find.  I think I paid $3.00 for this wooden sign.  I love it.  It's now hanging on my utility room door, which people see when they enter from my side door.

As for the garden clean up . . .

Most of the garden is getting re-tilled for winter.  I hope next year won't be so strange, with all the rain again.  A fall garden would be nice to have.  There are still areas to finish before we are completely done.

On top of my deep cleaning, which I am doing myself, I discovered another repair job.  I'm not sure what it will entail yet, but the kitchen sink is some how leaking water out onto the floor in front of it.  It's happening when the dishes are being washed.  So......today, some way or another, I will be taking everything out from under it, discarding stuff, cleaning it and figuring out where the water is coming from.  

My 9 year-old daughter has also found a fun science experiment to do.  She found it on Zoom, on-line.

She experimented with water and oil (and food coloring).  As you can tell, I have a few kids that absolutely love science.  

She asked me to blog about her experiment and show pictures.  She dropped food coloring into 3 cups.  One with mostly oil, one with water, and one with water and a thin layer of oil.  Each cup showed the food coloring in different ways, considering that food coloring is mostly water.  In the last photo, the cup has a thin layer of oil.  She popped one of the balls of food coloring and it made a neat design in the bottom of the cup.  Who knows what she will do next.

1 comment:

  1. How awful to have all that mildew! When I lived in So Cal near the beach, it was always a problem! :(
    Your daughter seems to be having fun with science!


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