Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Campout

My hubby and I took our two younger kids to a state park fall campout this weekend.  It was a load of fun - absolutely the best camping trip yet with the kids!

I had my doubts as it rained all day Friday.  I still packed up and away we went, and headed out about 6pm Friday night.

That night we decided to skip a fire and watch the campground moonlight movie.  They have an outdoor amphitheater, and the movie was Harry and the Henderson's.  They served ice cream, rootbeer floats, and popcorn.  After that we simply went to bed.

The next morning we had trouble getting our fire going - took forever to get breakfast made.  After that we drove down to the boat launch and they offered free canoe rentals for 2 hours.  Only 4 canoes went out that morning.

My 9 year-old was a bit hesitant, so I stayed with her while hubby and my 12 year-old went out.  She later regrets not going out.

When we returned, we participated in cookie decorating.  The cookies were in the shape of a Sasquatch and they provided brown frosting and mini-chocolate chips to decorate them with.

After that they painted small pie pumpkins with paint, and then we had a short break in the day.  

While we had our break in the day, we worked on our scarecrow.  They held a contest for this event, and provided supplies.  We are new to this, while other campers brought items to spruce up their scarecrow.  We dug into our tote and used an old curtain for an apron, a hankie with clothespins to look like a pocket, braided twine for hair, flowers for eyes, nose and even put flowers in the pocket.  We stuffed her with tall wild grass.  The is sporting my 9 year-old's bandanna. 

Hubby and I took turns cooking and adding items to the Dutch Oven Chili we were making.  Meanwhile, the girls took part in a Floating Donut contest.

The had one minute to eat an entire donut off of a string to win.  Two other girls won.

Then the campground offered archery as another activity.  My girls have never done this and were thrilled to participate.  They actually did extremely well, and were consistent with their arrows.  They both want to start participating in archery and archery contests now.

 Unfortunately, this activity was for kids only.  Bummer.

Then they judged the chili cookoff, and allowed us to eat, prior to announcing the winners.  Unfortunately, ours did not win.  There is always next year.

The chili cookoff, followed by the campground potluck, was followed by hay rides.  

It did not end there.  After we had a break to go back and wash up our dishes, they offered a campfire sing-along, at the horse campfire area.  A gentleman played a guitar, and we sang songs around the campfire, and made s'mores.  At that time, they announced the winners of the Scariest, Funniest, and Most Traditional Scarecrows.  Our "Harrietta" scarecrow, won first place (tied with another scarecrow).  

We brought her home to display on our porch.  Her head is a paper bag, so she can't get wet.

Overall, our campsite was a mushy mess, but we still had fun.  It rained while we cooked our last breakfast, but we still had fun.  In fact, the girls were begging us to get them out of school, for one more day of camping.  Sadly, there were no activities at the campground today.  

We may go again next fall.

While were were camping, my two older girls took their dogs to another town, for a  Humane Society "Mutt Strutt."  They raised money for the Humane Society and were able to walk their dogs, along with many more, for several hours.  Depending on the dates of next year's Fall Campout, I may be taking our 3rd dog to the "Mutt Strutt" next year.  


  1. How cool that they had all those activities at the park! Harry and the Hendersons was a perfect camping movie! :) Your scarecrow, Harrietta, turned out great!

  2. Sure sounds like a wonderful family camping place! Nancy

  3. Wow, what a great bunch of activities!


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