Monday, September 26, 2011


. . . an unexpected baking/cooking day.

Because I had a 1/2 jar of canned sweet pickle relish that needed to be eaten. . .

I used it to make a pasta salad.  I found veggie spirals on sale for $1.00 a bag.

Because I had pear butter that needed eaten . . .

I used a portion of it, cutting the oil in half, to make 2 loaves of Pumpkin bread.

Because I had 3 quarts of goat's milk . . .

I made another crock pot full of cooked steel cut oats.  The kids eat this for after school snacks now.

Because I still have more of that fresh goat's milk, fresh green peppers producing in the garden, and a few last carrots . . .

I made a double batch of Confetti Corn Muffins. Yum!

Because I had extra cranberries in my freezer . . .

I made a big pot of hot cranberry punch.  The kids will be excited to see it when they get home today.  It's raining and cold and miserable here today.  It will perk them up and put a little sunshine in their day.  I like to stock up on fresh cranberries when they get marked down at the end of each season.  I put them in the freezer and use them for punch and baking.

Because it's raining. . .

The towels are getting dried inside on drying racks.

and......because our camping trip was an affordable $18.00/night, we may take the girls canoeing/camping one more time this year.  The older kids can drive out and meet up with us for canoeing.  Because Pampered Chef sells the thickest hot pad mitts I know of, I am passing mine onto the camping tote for my hubby.  He burned his fingers with the hot pads (cheap, old, and store bought) ones that were already in my camping tote.  I will put some of my own crocheted ones in my kitchen to replace them (or save up to buy new mitts, he he!).

All this, just because.

One more "because"

Because it was only $1.00, I bought this book and absolutely love reading the real stories of real people.

Got Books?


  1. Veggie spirals? Do those taste like pasta at all? Is it sort of like spinach pasta? We've been looking for healthy alternatives to wheat and sugar and that sounds yummmy.

  2. They do taste good. I just tasted my salad and it is delicious. I suppose it will depend on what you mix in with it. For mine, I simply added about 1/3 to 1/2 jar of canned sweep pickle relish, a bit of sugar, and some lite safflower mayo.

  3. Is your cranberry punch just sugar, water and berries or?

  4. My punch is cranberries boiled in water with spices, then drained. Then I add sugar, orange juice and a bit of lemon juice. It's great hot or cold.

  5. Yummy! I need to try that when the weather cools, 90 today...


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