Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tomatoes ~ Canning Ketchup

My first homemade ketchup is now in the last 2 hours of gently boiling.  Prior to that, it required about 1 1/2 hours of boiling before I ran it through my sauce maker.  I am so glad I invested in one.
 I know that ketchup is cheap to buy, but homemade ketchup contains no high fructose corn syrup (I know they make it without it too).  Homemade ketchup is made with our home grown tomatoes and onions, that I can rest knowing, are grown chemical free.  This is very important to me.  I can rest knowing that I can stock up safely, and not worry about how high grocery store prices will be next year.

While the tomatoes were cooking, I managed to freeze another dozen of diced green peppers.  They smell so good when they are fresh.  

I also canned another 2 pints of salsa.  We love making salsa with about 4 different kinds of tomatoes, along with cayenne peppers from the garden.

I think I pulled another dozen onions today also.  Some went in the salsa, and some into the ketchup.  The rest will be used for other canning recipes, or simply for meals.

While I am gently boiling the ketchup, I used the time to clean up all my dishes.  I thought I would do my on-line health program also.  I had to laugh.  This week it's about stress, logging it, how I'm handling it etc.  Good grief.  Is there a day in my life without stress?  I think not.

If you've been following, our health insurance requires, not just the employee (my husband), but the significant other to take part in a program.  We are required to watch on-line Webinars, talk to "nurses" on-line, get a physical, and do on-line free weekly courses.  These each earn us points.  We are required to earn a certain number of points to be eligible for next years benefits (or our deductibles will raise sky high). 

So.....back to "stress."  Oh gee, I don't think I have any stress - just trying to do garden work at warp speed to avoid massive mosquito bites, then come in and race the clock to get it all taken care of (canning, freezing, cooking), get laundry out, get the floors cleaned, all in one entire day.  Not to mention, feed animals, chase chickens, weed the flower beds, and put a meal on the table at dinner time.  Ugh.  

You should see my computer area.  What a mess.  The next rainy day will be "clean-up computer area" once again.  I just cleaned it when last school season was out.  It's exploded.

Oh no......

I just remembered I have 3 zucchini to deal with.  Hmmmm. 


  1. Your day sounds like mine was yesterday!

    Sure wish I had some tomatoes to pick! The big ones are growing FINALLY but they are all still green. I have just this week started to pick the yellow and red pear tomatoes.

  2. Just BREATHE.. and go sit down somewhere for 5 minutes! Your kids are helping you with some of this work, right???
    I get a big discount for doing my insurance's "wellness plan". Big savings!

  3. I like your sauce maker, looks kinda like mine! I will be making lots of applesauce and nectarine sauce soon! Wish I had lots of tomatoes to use, maybe later down the road...


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