Thursday, August 11, 2011

Braised Cucumbers

(cucumbers before they were braised)

I used more butter for mine, as I had more cucumbers to use.
I did not have mint, but you could add dill also. 
 Braised Cucumber
(adapted from Julia Child's Cookbook, with organic/home grown/non-gmo ingredients)

1 huge cucumber (or 2 regular sized), organic
1 tablespoon butter, organic, non-gmo
1 dash salt
1 teaspoon lemon juice, organic (or fresh squeezed organic)
1 pinch dried mint (update: I now use homegrown organic spearmint)

Peel cucumber. Cut into quarters and remove seeds. Cut into 1 inch pieces.

Melt butter in a pan and add cucumber. Cover and cook about 5 minutes on medium heat.

Stir in salt, lemon, and mint. Cover and cook another 2 minutes.


  1. Thanks Kristina! I had never heard of them before, sounds pretty easy!

  2. I make a french cucumber salad really easy and refreshing-

    1 large cucumber, sliced thin crosswise (about 2 cups)
    1/4 cup white wine vinegar
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon granulated sugar
    3/4 teaspoon dried dill

    toss and enjoy, yummy!

  3. Julia's recipe is best by far. The dill ruins this.


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