Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Salsa

After I canned another quart of fridge pickles, I realized I forgot to check the garden.  I came in with enough tomatoes,  fresh picked green pepper, onion, and cayenne pepper. We will be enjoying our first quart of salsa tonight.  Yum!  However, I am looking at about 5 more zucchini now.  I think I will freeze all but two, and make a batch of pancakes tomorrow.  I can freeze them with liners in between, and the kids can simply take them out when school starts, for a healthy breakfast.  Hopefully, we will still have some of the blueberry syrup to go with them.

It's another typical Sunday around here.  More yard work, mowing, trimming, and my clotheslines are filled to the max.  With all this gardening, canning, and cooking, I have neglected to get the towels washed.  Now I need to wait for it to dry, to hang even more out.  I hate to do that kind of work on a Sunday, but we have more dental appointments starting tomorrow.  Those trips to town always waste my day away, and my chores, and the garden get behind.

The girls are out in the barn trying to figure out a way to repair, and put together, a temporary horse stall before winter.  

I guess I will be buying supplies to build a dog house type shelter for our billy goat.  That way he won't be near the fencing.  We did find a free 4 month old female goat, but the owner wants herd shares (milk, and first pick of the first baby goats).  That is way too much to ask for.  Especially, when we need her for milk for ourselves (and we have a large family).  We will continue to search for another female.

1 comment:

  1. Ooops, reading your post reminded me that I have some jeans in the washer that I need to hang out! LOL!!


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