Monday, August 8, 2011

Hope Chests ~ Flour Sack Towels

Despite the garden keeping me extremely busy this year,
I have managed to complete 2 towels for one daughter, and start a 3rd.  I need to get cracking on the next set for my older kids.  I found horse transfer patterns for my oldest daughter.  I'm not sure what to do for my son (as I should have started with his first).   I may have him design his own for me to embroider.  I will definitely have to design goat patterns for my 14 year old.  Aunt Martha's transfer patterns do not have one for goats.


  1. Kristina,

    Those are just TOO stinkin' cute! I would be interested in buying some goat designs for towels if you come up with some! :)

  2. IH!!! i LOVE these! I have them on my craft to do list---with owls :0). I cannot WAIT until the routine of fall when I have scheduled THREE entire hours 3 days a week towards getting my crafts DONE instead of drooling over others' work! So nice!

  3. Cute! Nice to see someone's still doing the hope chest thing...

  4. My son draws, so I plan on getting transfer paper for the goat pattern. If we are successful in coming up with pattern, I will let you know.


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