Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Queen Anne's Lace Jelly

If my kids think I went nutso, by making the Dandelion Coffee, the Dandelion Jelly, and the Milkweed Flower Bud Quiche, they will really think I've fallen off my rocker now.

I have been going through old cookbooks, and reducing my supply.  I found a recipe for Queen Anne's Lace Jelly.  

Instead of cleaning my much needed bathroom, I walked around the property and plucked about 18-19 full heads of Queen Anne's Lace (not to be confused with Hemlock).

I soaked them in water to remove unwanted "guests" and then rinsed them twice.

I steeped them and strained them, and created this lovely colored (cheated with a drop of red food coloring) jelly.  

These need to cool for 24 hours before we can check them.  If this did not set, I will simply re-boil them with more pectin, and re-seal the jars.  This is really a pink-ish color, but the photo makes it look a bit orange.

Queen Anne's Lace Jelly
(makes 5-8oz.jars)
4 cups water
18 large Queen Anne's Lace Flower Heads
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 pkg. powdered pectin
3 1/2 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar
Red Food Coloring (optional)
Bring the water to a boil and remove from the heat.  Add the flower heads, pushing them down into the water; cover and steep for 30 minutes.  Remove the lid and let the mixture cool slightly, about 15 minutes.  

Measure out 3 cups of the liquid into a 4-6 quart pan.  Add the lemon juice and the pectin and bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly.  Add the sugar, stirring constantly, and cook until the mixture returns to a rolling boil.  

Boil 1 minute longer.

Remove from heat.  Add red food coloring if desired.  Skim off any foam  Pour into sterilized jars, leaving 1/4 inch space at the top.  With a damp cloth, remove any spills from the rims and threads of the jars.  Process in a hot water bath for 5 minutes, counting the time after the water has returned to a rolling boil.  Remove to a towel-lined rack.  Store in a cool place.
(From Maria Adams' Heirloom Recipes, Putting Things By, page 203)

Note:  pregnant and nursing woman should not consume this jelly.


  1. i love this idea!!! let us know if it tastes yummy

  2. Pretty! What does it taste like? I have grown these before...

  3. A friend at work who knows I like to make things with edible flower told me about QAL jelly & I'm looking forward to making it over the weekend. Have you tried Rose Geranium jelly? I'll be making that too!

  4. Ok, I made them and both are delightful. The QAL jelly is light & fruity, the Rose Geranium was stronger and both are very yummy!

  5. This looks AMAZING! Can't wait to try it!

    I am delighted to present you with a Liebster Blog award! You can read all about it on my blog on April 24th!

    Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker


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