Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Chillover Blueberry Sherbet

 We are experimenting with Chillover Powder (alternative for animal gelatin), and have come up with this recipe to share.  Again, it's all experimental.

Chillover Blueberry Sherbet
3 cups frozen blueberries, thawed
1/2 cup sugar
Juice from 1 fresh lime
2 tsp. Chillover Powder
2 cups organic low-fat buttermilk

Place thawed blueberries in a medium saucepan.  Sprinkle sugar, lime juice, and Chillover powder, over the blueberries and let sit about 2-3 minutes.

Heat the blueberry mixture on medium heat until it bubbles, stirring constantly, and heat approximately 3 minutes.  Remove from heat.

Stir in Buttermilk.  Pour mixture into a freezer safe container and freeze for 4 hours or more, until it has the texture of pudding.

Remove it from the freezer, and puree it, in 2 batches, in a blender or food processor.  Place it back in the freezer over night. 

To serve:  remove from freezer, and let thaw about 5-6 minutes before serving. 

ENJOY!   (6-8 servings)


  1. Thanks so much. I haven't made anything yet with the powder but will now. Sounds luscious!

  2. I used the chillover powder for a key lime pie, worked great!!!


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