Friday, February 18, 2011

Weekend Worry

The weekend is here already.  Sheesh.  Where did the week go already?  The snow is starting to melt here, and boy what a mess it is with the dogs.

Even the birds are happy outside.  While I was hanging laundry outside, there was a bird sitting at the very top of an evergreen tree, just singing away.

I managed to write and publish two on-line articles this week.  That is pretty good considering I was sick for a long time and had a lot of house cleaning to catch up on.  I even read through a few magazines, cutting out important articles I wanted to keep.

I just had to cut this one out, regarding anxiety and faith.  This article is now in my daily reading Bible, to remind me that worry is not good for me.  As a mother of many children, it's hard not to worry most days.
I worry about the dogs bringing mud inside on their paws, I worry if the chicken coop has been cleaned, I worry that someone might visit me when I have not cleaned the bathroom yet, and worry just makes me have a bad day overall.  Before I know it, I've put myself in a very bad mood.   When I start to worry about something, I can open my Bible and read Matthew 6:25-30.

1 comment:

  1. I have problems with worrying too only my worries turn in to anxiety and I can't hardly think straight for it! Finding a way to deal with it is so important. Where worry and anxiety is, I find, God can't enter.


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