Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunshine Delight

Getting back to the gym, after being sick, has been great for me.  The sun shining today is always a welcome to my body and soul.

Today, we are trying a new fruit - Pummelo.  It is best for jam and jellies.  It's been fun trying new foods.

I'm still plugging away on another hope chest blanket.  My goal was 2 rows a night, and I've pretty much kept up with that.  It's about 60 inches wide.

Besides reading library books, magazines, and my Bible, I have been working on more articles. 

Items added to my mini "bucket list":  dehydrate eggs, can grape jelly, and add hand towels to the Christmas crochet list.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are accomplishing much and plan to accomplish even more! Happy to hear you are feeling better!

    Kindly, Lorraine


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