Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Self-Reliant Vehicle Repair

My current van is once again needing repairs.  Last year, we replaced gaskets and head gaskets ourselves, saving us several thousand dollars.  However, that's not all.  With constant leaking problems, windows not sealed properly, broken windshield wiper blades, replacing of the horn, replacing of the electric unit that controls the movement of the driver's seat, and many other repairs  -  all repairs completed without hiring someone.

We'd be in a pickle if my husband did not have the knowledge of repairing our vehicles vs. hiring someone. It is very important to learn how to make repairs and continue to be self-reliant.  I plan to spend more time learning about changing the oil and other repairs.

Many times in the past our vehicle repairs required the help of family and friends.  In return, we help them when they need help.  Just the pioneers did with wagon repairs, family needs, or farm help, we help each other.

Last night we needed the help of several people.  One with a truck and equipment to tow the van from a town 10 miles away, then tow it to another family member's house, and then back home.  The part replaced was easily found at the parts store, so the only cost to us was time, the cost of the part, and seeking help from friends and family.

Although I keep telling my husband a horse would come in handy, he keeps reminding me that they need maintenance also.  Either way, I'm voting for the good ol' horse and buggy.  It seems like owning a vehicle robs people of their money on a constant basis.  Add up the cost of mandatory insurance, tags, plates, gas, oil, coolant, parts, and everything else, and you have enough to send one or two kids to college.

Things are not made like they used to be.

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