Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back in the Groove

I am feeling much better now, and even took time to write 2 rough draft articles yesterday.  I watched the sunrise this morning also.

Although I woke up to a cold wood burning stove, I am getting the temperature slowly back up.  I am getting laundry on the racks and outside on the line.  The sun is shining very bright today, and makes the day more pleasant.  The cats must be enjoying the sun too.  They are bee-bopping from window to window watching everything this morning.  The dogs are fighting over the sun spots that are shining into the living room.

My husband surprised me for Valentine's Day, by cleaning the bathroom the night before.  He not only cleaned it, but removed everything that was on the floor to mop it (trash can, basket etc).  That was a real treat, considering I had not felt up to cleaning it while I was sick.

One of my daughter's also surprised me with a handmade card. She slipped it into my bathroom before she left for school, and it was a wonderful way to start the morning.

Thanks to my mother, sending me a text, I was able to take a few gorgeous pictures of a recent sunset.  I cannot wait to have a better camera, but this one is pretty good.

I love the colors in this sunset.  If I had not gone out right after my mother texted me, I would have missed it.  Shortly after I took the photos, the colors disappeared for the night.


  1. Wow, that last picture is gorgeous. I love it when the sky lights up like that.

  2. I am so lucky to have taken a few pictures before it faded out. One of the pictures is now our computer screen background.


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