Friday, January 28, 2011

Cleaning House ~ What's your muse?

What inspires you to start and finish cleaning your home?  When I write, I have a few muses that pump my thoughts with ideas.  When I clean, I typically have music on.   My kids are motivated to clean if they are allowed to have a friend over (house rule: you invite, you clean).  Prayer and inspirational quotes are also motivating. 

Today, I was motivated by a note my daughter left me.  We often "noter" each other and it inspires up to get through the day with a positive attitude.  I'll add a photo later for you to see the note she left on my bed this morning.

Yesterday, believe it or not, I was so tired and stressed, I actually stopped everything and perched myself on the couch.  Only a few minutes later, I was snuggled up with one dog and sleeping.  I am not one to nap, but I woke up revived and ready to start dinner.  Amazing how a little break can help you feel.

When you are under stress and you feel you are at your limit, read something fun and take a break. You never know, you may fall asleep and get the rest your body needs anyway.

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I am currently working on improving the above article.  On that particular site, writers have one offer (and only one) to rewrite each article to improve it.

1 comment:

  1. I inherited cleaning genes!!! So this makes me automatically clean. Sometimes it feels more like an obsessive compulsive disorder. I do like music to accompany the chores! ~Val


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