Monday, November 1, 2010

Word Count ~ NaNoWriMo's Web site very slow

I have been unable to access the NaNoWriMo Web site this evening.  There must be so many people writing this month, the site is extremely slow and won't even load for me.  I attempted to log in my word count.  No such luck.  It took me until 11am to even get a plot, characters and setting.  It took me two stories to figure out what I wanted to write too.  This is hard work, but I'm glad I did it. Next year it won't be so difficult.  My goal was 2,000 words today.  I found it very difficult to concentrate after the older kids started arriving home from school.  I better get up earlier tomorrow.

Today's Word Count:  1,587 
Total Word Count to Date: 1, 587

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