Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 2 - Go Mom Go!

Daily Word Count: 1974
Total Word Count to Date: 3561

It's day 2 of the month long novel writing month.  I've been able to write through leaps of dirty laundry, mounds of dirty dishes, and administer love and medications to 3 more sickies in the house.  It's only one month and I deserve to do what I've wanted to do for my entire life, so they will just have to deal with the mess or pitch in.

I almost forgot it was a school day, until my 6th grader's bus pulled into our drive.  With so many home sick I lost track of everything.  Thank goodness the youngest is feeling better, and that means one more goes back to school tomorrow.  Woo hoo! 

Writing today was much easier than the first day.  I went into this with a blank mind, no story at all.  I started out spending the first day tinkering with story ideas.

We have had our frost, so cleaning out the garden, putting porch furniture away, and splitting more firewood will be a challenge for November.  I have however, told my husband he is not allowed to read my novel until the month is over.  He's acting like a baby.  Too bad.  A writer Mom needs her space to some extent. Ha ha ha!  Who knows, I could include something related to him in it.  Now that would be a hoot!

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