Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Freelance Writing On-line ~ The Cons

Anyone submitting articles for are also rating helium articles.  This means that you must take time out of your day to carefully, and honestly, rate other writers, as well as write quality articles.  The stressful part, is that not all "writers" have experience in writing, and therefore rate articles too quickly or judgmentally. Some times, I wonder if the person rating it even reads the entire article.

Many times, my articles that have been rated to a lower status of all submitted articles on one particular title, produce a higher earning for me.  And as for earnings from on-line articles, they are so much more difficult to earn and require a lot more articles to be written.

I think today, I will be ordering a few, up-to-date resources, from our library.  It's time to get serious with this freelance business.

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