Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend of Camping ~ No Electricity

We had so much fun last weekend.  I have been overly stressed and, out of the blue, told my husband that we were going camping - without kids.  Well the first part happened anyway.  We did get one night free of kids, and all to ourselves.

Every meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner, was cooked over the fire.  Even our morning coffee.  We also brought along some farm fresh eggs for scrambled eggs.  Yum!  The campground did not provide showers.  We had port-a-potty toilets and a ground water pump.  There were electric hook-ups for those who wished to have them, but we decided to camp without electricity.  

Days were spent in tank tops and shorts, and evenings were spent in pants and jackets.  It was perfect weather for getting a way to reconnect.  The last night was spent with our two youngest children. 

We hiked the lake, and I showed the girls how I could whistle in an acorn shell.  Just to share a tip, it works better with a fresh acorn top, versus an old one that's been on the ground.  They both work, but one works easier.

Thankfully, I had a tote in our garage, already prepared for camping.  We have not had a vacation of any sort, for over five years.  It felt wonderful to finally get away, and for all the reasons of restoring, relaxing, and rejuvenating.  No running around touring this or that, or messing with hotels and motels. 


  1. Camping is definately a getaway, especially when you do not use electricity. I imagine you feel completely refreshed now!

  2. We came back so refreshed, we are already making plans for another camping outing.


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