Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The garden is still thriving

Although many vegetables are done producing, we still have cabbage, brussels sprouts, tomatoes, green beans, beets, turnips, strawberries, and more squash.

Yesterday I boiled up a dozen farm eggs for after school snacking.  I also shredded the last zucchini and made them a pan of Zucchini-Banana Squares.  I then froze 2 quarts of tomatoes, and have a lot more to freeze.  For dinner I baked a spaghetti squash and used up more tomatoes with a recipe we love.

I spent most of the day yesterday chasing rooster and his women out of my garden.  This time they got into the squash, and kept trying to come back to get more (while I was in the garden).  I finally pulled some corn, shucked it and tossed it to them.  That seemed to keep them happy for a while, and out of my garden.

I noticed our school is having a "market" day where teachers and parents have donated extra garden bounty and are giving it away.  I am so surprised that people do not can and freeze their extras for the winter and spring.  It's easy to have extra squash, but I even shred or cube mine and freeze it.  I'm about to pickle some banana peppers today as well.  My husband came home with an eggplant from a co-worker.  I was, however, truly thankful for that.  Our eggplant did not do so well.  Our okra did, and it was the first year growing it.

1 comment:

  1. The okra must be delicious. That is one veggie I tend to forget about. I only see it frozen in my grocery store so I have never had it fresh out of a garden!


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