Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Project Updates

My 8 year-old's blanket now reaches the measurements of 6 ft 2 inches wide, and 40 1/2 inches long. She's begging me to stop and give it to her as is, but I had to explain that I need to finish it. She's so eager to have it. I have already spent more than 20 hours on this blanket. I have to say, this is my favorite so far, in the 3 blankets I have crocheted.

Here is an update on my embroidery sampler. I have added another stictch since this photo. You can see, it's a bit wrinkled from holding the material. I'm really enjoying making this, but will probably make another in five years to check my progress.
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1 comment:

  1. I love that your daughter it so excited about her blanket. This must make the project so much more rewarding. It will be something she can enjoy for many, many years. I still have a blanket my great aunt crocheted for me 30 years ago!


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