Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Challenges for the New Year

I have made it through day 13 of reading the Bible in 90 days.  I have made it to day 7 of walking for at least 10 minutes a day, and have started to read a book while walking on the treadmill.  First it started by reading my Writer and Writer's Digest magazines.  I came upon an article about how Richard Goodman published his first book while in his 40's.  So, out of curiosity I borrowed the book from the library.  His book French Dirt is very interesting.  Having grown my first vegetable garden last year and having traveling abroad, I find his book very unique and enjoyable.

It has been inspiring considering my own age right now.  I know I would not have read it, or heard about it, if I had not had the magazine subscription.  I am so happy I had time to read through them while getting my walking challenge off to a good start.

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