Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend Horse Craze and a Halloween Pudding Cup Theft

I opened my e-mail yesterday morning to find a major alert sent by my 15 yo daughter.  I had to laugh because it described her completely!  If you had to sit and watch the Breeder's Cup all weekend, I did too.  At first it was like torture.  I had retreated to the couch to read my English assignment, but was mystified by my daughter.

There she sat, watching the television intently.  It wasn't just that either.  She was prepared with a clipboard, that held the schedule of events she had printed off of her computer.  With a pen in hand and a snack, she watched and cheered and asked us to bet on a horse.  Her's of course was Zenyatta. 

On Friday I picked the horse who had a name that started with Rose.  She would have won had the other rider not knocked the whip from the jockey's hand (at least that's what I think happened).  That got me started.  I was hooked until Saturday.  Then, I tried to get to work on my homework and writing.

I then retreated to my room to work there on Saturday, but could hear screaming coming from the living room.  And of course the only filly running against the boys won.  The one and only horse she was cheering for - Zenyatta.

Even after the race was over, I caught her re-watching the race on YouTube.  I had to laugh.  Here is a copy of what she sent me in the e-mail:

Mom, I am sending you this message because I think I need to get checked by a doctor. This is a very serious illness and can be highly contagious. Several people have picked up the virus already and I believe that, by some means, I was born with this disease and I am afraid to inform you that there is NO cure. Sadly, there is nothing you can do but support me and help me through the long-term affects that this will have on my body and mind. I hope that you will still love me no matter what.



This is a public service announcement.
Urgent Notice: Potential Danger of Horse Hair

In a press release today, the National Institute of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance in the hair of horses. This substance, called "amobacter equuii" has been linked with the following symptoms in females:
* Reluctance to cook, clean or do housework.
* Reluctance to wear make-up, good clothes or heels.
* Reluctance to spend money on home or car repairs until after "baby has new shoes,pad, blanket, tack, grain, hay & supplements".
"Amobacter equuii" usually results in long hours away from home and exhaustion which may lead to a loss of physical contact with other humans (especially husbands).
"Amobacter equuii" is thought to be addictive, driving the need for additional sources - this may lead to a "herd mentality" or like the potato chip commercial, "you can't have just one". (Especially potent if infected from miniature equines)

Beware! If you come in contact with a female human infected by this substance, be prepared to talk about horses for hours.

Surgeon General's Warning: Horses are expensive, addictive, and may impair the ability to use common sense.

Pretty funny I'd say!

As for the hijacking on my Halloween treat container, well here's the photo with the thief!

If you want to see the cup before the attack visit my article I wrote on how to make them on eHow.  The little booger took it off of my night stand, emptied the contents and was caught running through the house with it hanging from his mouth.  It is now his personal toy.

Last night I was sound asleep when I heard a bang, bang, bang from where the dresser sits.  I jumped from the bed to catch this terrorizing thief with a 10 inch styrofoam Christmas tree in his mouth.  Our youngest had painted it years ago and decorated with pom poms and sequins.  And here this thief was trying to take off with it.  I'm going to have to sleep with one eye open now (ha ha ha!).  

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