Thursday, November 5, 2009

Funny and Weird Dogs

My 15 year-old daughter caught me talking to her dog yesterday.  There she (the dog) was, sitting proudly behind another rock she had brought in.  And there I was saying (with my index finger going up and down), "Seriously, are we going to have to take you to a doggy counselor?" 

We have the strangest dogs, but love them dearly for their uniqueness.  One has an obsession with rocks.  Instead of playing fetch like our smallest dog, she'd rather be digging up rocks and carrying them around in her mouth.  On any other day she'll be obsessed with chasing her shadows.  If anyone reaches for a flash light, she is ready to chase - for hours.

Then there is the laundry issue.  It's not really an issue, just a cute story.  I hang laundry on the line just about every day here.  I've always taken the dogs out while I hang the laundry on the line, and bring them back in when I come in.  Considering it takes a few loads to get them all on the line, we go out often.  They play, run around and fetch rocks and sticks. 

Now, if I so much as pick up a laundry basket, they all stand at attention ready for me to make my move.  Just to see if they really were smart enough to know that I was going outside, I walked to the utility room, did not turn on the light, and slowly and gently opened the washer.  Immediately, the dogs were staring at me through the doorway with tails wagging.  I can't even say the word "laundry" without them barreling me over to race to the door. 

They are all funny for sure.  They may make it into one of my books yet.

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