Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunrise, Vegetables, and Working Out

This morning I was stunned to see two of my daughters up before me. They were sitting outside waiting to watch the sunrise. My son, who already started school was out there also, but his bus picked him up before the sun was up.

I wrote a somewhat funny and very true story about parking spaces on It was from my mother's view, and if you happen to go to helium and read it, she now has a handicapped sticker (thank goodness). Note: I'm moving this article on helium to another category. I'll post when I have the link.

Tonight we are benefiting from the vegetable garden once again. I pulled several zucchini so we can make another quadruple batch of zucchini pancakes, I pulled several tomatoes, which will be added to our ground turkey burgers, I pulled two acorn squash, and 2 cantaloupe. Since we do not water our garden ourselves, some items are smaller, but I'm so glad we don't use chemicals of any sort to grow it.

Tomorrow I'll be pulling more turnips and beets. I sure hope it rains though. We really do need more rain.

We have benefited from the garden so much. It's lowered our cost, provided healthy meals, and is helping us all lose weight. On July 26th I measured my upper arms, waist and thighs. I just measured them, and I have lost 1/8th inch on each arm, 1 inch off of my waist, and 1/2 inch on each thigh. I've also kept off 15 pounds (approximately). I am really going to miss the garden, but look forward to canning next year. I may buy a bushel of corn from a farmer, blanch it and freeze it for the winter months.

Speaking of winter coming, I have rearranged the front room furniture so nothing is near the wood burning stove. We've cleaned under the furniture, and will be washing the curtains soon too. It feels good to have all of that done already.

My current project, along with the last pair of crocheted slippers, is a reusable crocheted shopping bag. My 12 year just made herself a macrame board and is starting to make handmade gifts for the holidays as well. I'm finding many useful patterns at the local library.

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