Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kittens, Chaos, and School Fees

Well, it's come to the point where we are needing to make a decision. One or both of the kittens killed the goldfish last night, one messed on the floor, and both of them destroyed my room last night. Evidently they think it's the main playground for their rambunctious lives. I know they would both be good mousers, even though they are males. The seek to destroy.

The girls are already outside giving poor "Caspian" a proper funeral. Cat claw marks are evident on the poor little guys sides.

Today I have the joy of paying $105.00 in school fees for 3 kids. Plus, I get the joy of paying a student fee for my son, who does not even attend the school. He's bussed to a career center school, but because we are in this school's district, I am required to pay a $7.00 student fee and a $1.00 guidance fee. Evidently, some of it goes to pay for the prom. I had no idea that, we the parents, are paying for that.

The kids have now managed to destroy the PS3. It's probably a good thing, now that school is starting. It is way to expensive to replace it, so if they want a new one, they need to find a job and buy it themselves. The best part is that I don't' have to worry about it monopolizing their free time. Now they can find more time to be creative and spend more time applying for jobs.

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