Friday, April 24, 2009

Dandelions in the country - a different view

Growing up we'd pick dandelions and give them to our Mom thinking they were the most beautiful flowers. Then as we grew up, married and went our separate ways, my siblings and I found ourselves cringing at the sight of dandelions. Money was spent on killing them and money spent on fertilizing and growing new grass. Killing them for the sake of a green yard became a part of city life.

Now, in the country, dandelions have a different look.

"Look at all those dandelions coming up", I said disgruntled to the kids.

"I think they look pretty against the red barns", said my 15 year old daughter smiling.

Living in the country gives us a different perspective on something, that at one time in our life, was seen as a nuisance. Amazing.

Today, the Lord has provided us with gleaming sunshine and a strong breeze. My laundry should dry in minutes with this wonderfully provided weather. The dogs are begging to run and play already.

I am hoping we can afford supplies to fix the chicken coop this weekend. The chicks are growing quickly and have outgrown their chicken wire covered box that is in the house.

Last night we watched the move, "Faith Like Potatoes", and thoroughly enjoyed it. We all need faith like potatoes in our life. If you haven't seen this movie, which is based in Africa, you should check your library for it. It truly is a good movie.

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