Friday, April 24, 2009

Blast to the Past - Summer Library Theme for 2009 - The Oregon Trail and Westward Expansion

As an avid reader, and profound love for the pioneer life, I went searching for more books at the library. I found a series by Al Lacy that I had not read and have already started the second in the series. Be sure to include these series in your summer reading.

The Angel of Mercy Series, by Al Lacy
*Book 1: A Promise for Breanna
*Book 2: Faithful Heart
*Book 3: Captive Set Free
*Book 4:

After starting to read this series, I found that a series was printed prior to this one. I am searching inter loan locations to read them.

The Journeys of the Stranger Series, by Al Lacy

I hope you enjoy these books and take time to read this summer. Children who see their parents read are encouraged. Encouraged children succeed.

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