Thursday, December 7, 2023

Packing Your Emotional ToolKit ~ Struggling During the Holidays? Or not Struggling?

Off the subject of homesteading, but on the subject of life. . .

However, homesteading is work, so it pertains to it in a way too.  It can be stressful.  Physically and mentally.  Or you could be the one person who zips right through the day without a thought.

We all have an emotional toolkit.  Whether we realize it or not.  We reach for a mood booster or a stress reliever when our chips are down or when we are feeling at our lowest.  Thanksgiving and Christmas are so close together here in America, it can be very stressful and many are struggling for various reasons.

It could be a loss of a loved one, an estranged adult child, someone close who is sick/ill, or anything really.  Just cleaning the house for a large gathering can be stressful.  The cost of buying all the food, and the time making all the dishes can be overwhelming. It could be an unexpected medical bill(s) for some.  It could be an tragic accident, or even unexpected home repair bill.  

We have a friend who is struggling due to the loss of her husband.  Another friend is worried about her unborn grandbaby (doctor stated it will have health issues), and at the same time her Dad fell, is in a nursing home and was recently diagnosed with cancer.  

What do you have packed in your emotional toolkit?  What is your mood improver?


-Gardening (hard to do here in winter)



-Cleaning/Deep Cleaning/Purging 

-Going for a walk



-Getting off social media 

-Read a book

-Call a friend or meet up with your "tribe"

-Journaling (writing a thankful page can be very helpful for some)


-Do something nice for someone/donate a meal or service

-Volunteer somewhere

-Work on favorite hobby or start a  new hobby

-Go to the library and browse books for free.  It's a great start to looking for a new hobby, home project, or just find a good book to read.

-Watch funny or feel-good movies.  Do you have a list?

-Update your home with a new look.  Move furniture around, paint a room, change your curtains, or add a rug or new pillows.  The list is endless for this one, and can perk you up.

-Get outside

Any positive way to increase your positivity is the way to go.  

It's easy to get outside and get some sunshine when you have pets or farm animals.  Do you try and get sunshine in the winter?

What is your winter mood improver?  Holiday stress mood improver?


  1. Sometimes in our hustle and bustle, we overlook that some are struggling. I'm glad you posted this. Good tips!

  2. Debby, thanks, it really got me thinking. When the kids all lived here I was super busy with their school and work schedules, but I realize how things can change when the kids are all moved out, and work at home either slows down or speeds up.


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