Monday, December 18, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

Grab a cup of java this morning!  I didn't mean for the post to be so long today.  Ha ha!  Sorry folks.  Hope you enjoy it anyway. 

No one had any advice on cleaning the tomato stains from the freezer containers.  I have now just accepted they will be future containers to freeze anything tomato.  I can't afford to throw them out and buy new ones (as one of my friends suggested).

Do any of you have a gift in a jar idea for pint jars?  A recipe perhaps that most people in general will like?  I was thinking Mocha Coffee, but I'm still having trouble locating sugar free (non-gmo) peppermint syrup.  I can locate mini bottles of peppermint schnapps however (he he!).  Any ideas would be great, as it is late in the "game" this year. 

Random thought:  I was looking for my stocking shelf hooks, and found one of the kids stockings.  I embroidered each kids name and glued them to the stocking with some trim.  It reminded me of how much time I dedicated to my kids while they were growing up.

I would race to the school to sign up for the Christmas parties.  6 kids,, 6 classes, and other holiday parties too.  So....I remembered the year I bought those small stockings (ornament size), and hand embroidered each student's name, and glued them to the stocking.  I hand wrapped each one for each student.  

It also made me realize, that during all those years, I put my kids first, and me last.   There were not only classroom parties, sports, band, class events, choir, contests, a lot of volunteering, doctor appts, church events......the list is endless.  Six kids kept me very very busy.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The Weather . . .

View from the porch on Sunday - dreary, dark and raining.  I'm so glad I got to see such a beautiful sunrise on Saturday.  If you didn't see the photos, it is in my previous post.

Today?  Windy, snow showers, high of 36°F

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee, and getting this post up.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Mountain Rose Herbs has been my "go-to" store for years for medicinal teas, and supplies, but not lately.  I have had to search our new sources, as their products are so often out of stock, and higher in price. Also, the shipping costs are much less elsewhere, or free on Amazon.  I do try to grow and forage for what I can however.

How I am feeling . . .

Better, but the dental work affected my sinuses, caused headaches, and is taking a long time to heal.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Chorizo/potato, and egg (and cheese) breakfast burritos.  Next up is pumpkin pancakes and sausage patties. 

On the lunch plate . . .

No idea yet.

On the dinner plate . . .


On the menu . . .

I need to write this up today.  I have not thought about it.

On the reading pile . . .

I'm back to finishing up this book.

On the TV . . .

Movie:  Holiday in Handcuffs, a Christmas cabin movie, where a young woman kidnaps a young man to pretend to be her boyfriend (to impress her parents).  

Looking around the house . . .

We are switching from buying gallon jug water refills to a 5 gallon water jug.  We have well water, and although we have a salt softener system, it can cause build up on the coffee pot and other appliances.  So....I have a new gadget to try soon.  I'll be sharing it as soon as we obtain the 5 gallon jugs.  We are able to refill them for $1.00 each.  

To-do List . . .

-make seal and brew tea-bags
-muck coop
-finish up laundry
-empty dishwasher
-paint closet floor upstairs
-return library books
-dust (again)

From the camera . . .

Sour Cream Softies.  A recipe that was handed down from my Mom.  We make them every Christmas.  They are delicious with a cup of morning coffee/tea or just as they are.

Something to Share . . .

If you are concerned about your food containing GMO's, you'll be happy to know that Menard's sells Deluxe mixed nuts that are GMO free!

No added bad oils!  So happy to find them, so I can make holiday treats without having to buy all the nuts and roast them myself.

Also, I found a tea recipe for "stress reducing" on another blog (Backyard Patch), which you can find HERE.  I have two of the ingredients. I need to locate some Holy Basil, and then I can start brewing this delicious-ness.

Christmas DIY's, Ideas, Tips, and Recipes . . .

50 count cake pop sticks, about 58 oz. mini marshmallows, 2 - 12 oz. bags of light cocoa candy melting wafers.

Dipped in melted chocolate once.  Let cool.

Dipped a 2nd time, then coated in mini marshmallows, let cool.

Hot Chocolate Stir Sticks to Gift.  Mint Chocolate would be delicious too!  Gift with Homemade Hot Cocoa in recycled, decorated jars.

Tip:  When using melted chocolate wafers, spread any leftover melted chocolate onto a sheet of waxed paper.  Allow to completely cool.

Break the chocolate up, and store in an air tight container or bag, in a dark cool location until you need it again.

Also, I have a new recipe we tried for a dip (appetizer) for our Christmas with the kids.  I will talk about that in tomorrow's post, as this post has gotten way too long, ha ha!

Devotional, Bible Verses, Prayers . . .
Prayers for a couple that were killed in a 3-car collision recently (locally).  They couple had a infant son that was not with them.  The driver that caused the collision, according to the news, had 60 priors.  The community is gathering to help raise money for their son.  


  1. So many goodies in this post. Have you posted the recipe for the sour cream softies? They look yummy. My husband would love the hot chocolate stir sticks - a stocking stuffer! I followed the link to the stress reducing tea - interesting about the oat straw.

    I gave up on Mountain Rose Herbs awhile back too, mostly because of prices. I'm guessing it's tough to have that kind of business.

  2. Leigh, I thought I had posted the recipe for the cookies, but will double check and if not, get it posted. True about Mountain Rose herbs. The shipping costs are horrible with them.

  3. Tomato stains... just put your container in the sun and it will all fade away.. and it works! on clothes, containers...
    Love the marshmallow stick.
    Have a great week... off to se the tea recipe

  4. Luludou, thanks. I will have to try that as soon as we have a warmer day.


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