Saturday, December 2, 2023

Chit Chat


Beautiful sunrise we had here a few days ago.

Have you heard?  There is a mysterious dog illness nationwide right now.  We still plan to install a dog fence, but it's a scary time to adopt a dog. 

Have you been heard about all of the cantaloupe recalls lately?  There are many.

The weather continues to cause delays on the coop build.  The joy of homesteading.  It's raining here again today.  It rained all day yesterday.

Are you an evening tea drinker?  What is your go-to tea to wind down at the end of the day?  Is it something you grow perhaps? 

My husband asked why the Christmas tree didn't have ornaments yet.  I laughed.  I have told him over and over, that we never organized the garage, so he has his "things" blocking my access to the Christmas totes.  He has promised to clean that up soon. 

Do you give yourself rewards for good behavior?  Ha!  You know, like rewards for goals met?  Or breaking a bad habit, starting a new good habit, and rewards along the way?  Or for finishing a project you have dreaded to finish?

Do you pamper yourself to perk yourself up on days you are just dragging through it?


  1. I drink red rose tea in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon, I have a cup of chamomile.

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie, I don't think I have ever had red rose tea. I may have to try that one.

  3. Lots of interesting questions. Not much of a tea (or evening) drinker, so I can't answer that. But I can about rewards, because it was something I've recently starting doing. After checking off the items on my to-so list, I get to play in my sewing room/studio for awhile. It's nice having something to look forward to.

  4. Leigh, I'm trying to come up with rewards for checking off my daily lists. I'm not going to sell my handiwork any longer, so I will have to be creative on my rewards.


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