Friday, November 10, 2023

Chit Chat on the Porch ~ Library Loot


I thought we were going to have a very dreary, dark day yesterday, but the sun came out, and I got some fresh air.  It was a bit cooler and breezy, but we are to warm back up thankfully.  Getting outside this time of year is good for the soul.

Later, I went into my office for something, and found that I buried my crochet hooks in there.  

I quickly got those back in their proper home, but I realized that I have more "stuff" in there to put away.  By "stuff" I mean stuff shoved in there from ripping up the entire flooring in the living.  I unpacked two more boxes I found from the bedroom project. I am also filling another box for donations.

Just pack up an entire room in a hurry, and then unpack it all.  You'd be surprised on what you really need or use vs. what you have.  

I found a cookbook I didn't even know I had.  I may try a few, but it is old and falling apart.

I have used my "hidden" screwdriver several times already, and have installed a new curtain rod for my hallway (so it matches the one on the door).

I have used up all of the pumpkin, that we did not freeze, but I borrowed some books from the library for new ideas.

I have yet to talk with anyone who makes fire cider.  It's been years since we made it, so I guess I'm on my own for finding a "good" tasting recipe.

The skills book would be a nice gift for a teenager.  Easy instructions.  I'm not sure why I inter-loaned it ha ha!

The Christmas book was brought home on a whim.  Not sure I'll have the time to read it, or if it will restore my holiday mojo.  I guess we'll find out.

I really have no business getting fiction books from the library.  Seriously.  I have stacks all over my office, and in other rooms, ha ha!  In my defense, some were given to me.  These are not even all of the "stacks" I  have around the house.  My goal is to get back to reading this winter.

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