Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunrise ~ Stormy Weather ~ Roasting Pie Pumpkins ~ Nothing Wasted (Our Motto)

 Winter is on the way.  These very short beautiful snippets of a sunrise are coming to an end.  We enjoyed one, mostly likely the last, grill out on the porch.  

Stormy, rainy days moved in here and there, and the camper was finally cleaned out for the season.  Leaves are starting to change color around the area now.

I use my melon baller to remove the seeds/stringy innards.  I use it for all of my squash.  It works great.

We got 9 pie pumpkins this season.  One rotted before I could bring them inside, and we gave one to the chickens for a treat.

I line my baking pans/sheets with parchment paper and roast at 350° for 60 minutes.  I typically check them, and continue roasting if necessary.  The above pie pumpkin (Winter Luxury Pie Pumpkins from Baker Creek), weighed in at a little over 5#!  Not all of them are that large, but wow!  Save those delicious seeds to roast.  Here is our favorite recipe:  Whiskey-Bacon Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

I have also used Sherry in place of the whiskey, and they tasted great.  You can simply roast them too, but flavoring them is fun and delicious.  I bake these at 275° for 1 1/2 hours, stirring during the baking time.

I remove the baked pumpkin pulp with a spoon, and puree it all in my food processor.  I put it in freezer containers by the pint, cool it, and freeze it.

The chickens get the last bit of what's left after cleaning out the seeds.  Nothing wasted.  You can compost the skins.

Sorry if this is all a repeat from all the previous years.  I feel like it is, but sharing again.  I will be trying some new recipes with pumpkin.

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